Learning Assistance Programs

Welcome to Learning Assistance Programs, your learning resource center on campus.

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Empower the Whole Person, Learn in Community

学习援助计划通过提供各种服务来满足学生的个人需求,为他们的持续成长和发展提供学术支持和学习策略增强. We look forward to connecting with you throughout your academic journey.

About Learning Assistance Programs (LAP) 

We offer content support in a variety of undergraduate 1000–3000 level courses in the areas of Languages, Science, Nursing and Math through drop-in tutoring, weekly tutoring or weekly facilitated study and language conversation groups. 我们还通过个人咨询预约(学术辅导课程)或季度学习策略研讨会为所有学生提供学习策略支持. 通过为你提供资源来支持你作为一个学习者的发展和你的整体健康, 我们支持您的学术目标和毕业之路,并为您提供未来成为专业人士所需的工具.  

我们的服务组合由专业人员和同伴教育者提供,因此您可以选择满足您独特需求的资源组合. 作为一个通过大学阅读和学习协会的国家认证项目, 同伴教育者完成持续的专业发展机会,以确保他们能够在特定课程中为同伴提供战略性和彻底的支持. 每个季度末的反馈反映了学生对这些学习资源的有效性的高度满意度.

Preparing You For Success


SU Students



Active Learning Hours

We supported thousands of hours of studying, improving student academic success and progress toward graduation in 2022–23.


Of Students Surveyed

Felt encouraged and supported while using our services, 2022–23.

Our Services


Individual Consultation Appointment (ICA)

与LAP专业人员预约,了解更多国外博彩app如何提高学习成绩的信息. Learn techniques to manage your time and the demands of your classes, ways to get more from your reading, techniques for effective review, and methods of study for your various courses.

Learning Strategy Assessment and Development

To gain a better understanding of yourself as a learner, 我们为你提供了一些方法来回顾你目前的学习习惯,并获得加强它们的方法. After completing an inventory, 您可以与LAP的专业工作人员讨论结果,他们可以帮助您使用这些信息来开发提高学习潜力的方法.

“根据我对自己的了解,集思广益,让我尝试新的学习方法, testing those different methods out, and deciding which worked really helped.”
—Seattle University Student

Tutoring Services 

Peer-to-Peer Student Learning

We provide peer tutoring in a variety of subject areas including math, science, nursing, and modern languages. Both the tutor and student benefit from this meaningful relationship. We offer two forms of tutoring: weekly tutoring and drop-in tutoring.

Weekly Tutoring

每周辅导让你有机会在本季度内每周花一小时与训练有素的同伴教育者见面. Before accessing weekly tutoring, you need to complete a Tutoring Needs Assessment, 哪一个是30分钟的预约来讨论你的辅导需求和课程期望.

辅导课程在每周的同一天和同一时间进行,可能是一对一的,也可能是与同一课程的另一名学生共享. 每周辅导在本季度的第三周开始,并持续到本季度的剩余时间. 我们鼓励学生在本季度尽早报名参加每周的辅导,以获得最大的好处.

Note: Because most humanities classes (for example, History, English, Philosophy, Theology) differ greatly in content and instructor style, we do not offer tutoring in those subjects. However, during an Individual Consultation Appointment (ICA), we can help you design a study approach for these courses, too. 对于我们可能不辅导的其他课程,我们通常可以向学生介绍其他校园资源. (You can find tutoring support for Accounting, Economics and Business Communication from the Albers School of Business & Economics.)

Drop-In Tutoring


Group Study

Learn in community.

Facilitated Study Groups 为您提供与您的同龄人和训练有素的学生辅导员合作的机会,以学习课程材料和练习目标课程的基本技能. 学生辅导员与教师合作,确定关键主题并开展学习活动,以加强对课程内容的理解. You also learn helpful approaches for studying materials and preparing for exams.

Language Conversation Groups 通过与训练有素的同伴教育者合作,为选择课程的学生提供小组机会,加强他们的口语和听力技能. 同伴教育者与教师合作,确定对话主题和学生练习的关键技能. You also learn helpful strategies for language learning.

“我的学习小组最好的方面是能够得到具体问题的帮助,因为他们通常是更难的话题. 我也喜欢有小组设置,让我们同学在遇到困难时合作和分享想法.” —Seattle University Student

Learning Strategy Workshops

我们为校园社区提供一系列研讨会,以参与有助于他们整体学业成功的想法和资源. 加入我们每个季度的各种学习策略的机会,这将丰富您作为国外博彩app社区的一部分的学生经历.

Asynchronous Learning Strategy Workshops

我们的学习策略系列研讨会提供学习策略和指导,以确保您准备好应对大学生活的来龙去脉. 我们的异步系列确保您可以随时随地根据您的时间表访问这些有用的研讨会.

“This workshop was EXTREMELY useful to attend. It was an information-filled, high-quality presentation.” —Seattle University Student

“这个研讨会完全改变了我作为学生如何处理自己的注意力缺陷多动症的反应. 这也促使我开始认真研究如何在不分裂的情况下治疗ADD, 也改变了我在临床咨询实习中对待需要帮助的孩子和家庭的方式."
—Seattle University Student

We’re Here For You
